How to crack 3D Studio release 4 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, Read your post on Your copy of 3D Studio r4 doesn't ask for a printer. Sentinel Pro is a hardware lock which must be plugged into your LPT port for 3DS to function. That's the legal way. Anyway, who cares? Below is the correct crack for 3D Studio r4: Remove harlock defense 3DS.EXE 0005ACD8: 3D B8 0005ACDD: 74 EB 0006D282: 56 B8 0006D283: 68 B2 0006D284: C8 AA 0006D285: 27 FE 0006D286: 03 5B 0006D287: 00 C3 000874B9: 3D B8 000874BE: 74 EB 0008C0B1: 3D B8 0008C0B6: 74 EB 001041A2: 75 90 001041A3: 12 90 0011F84A: 56 B8 0011F84B: 68 4A 0011F84C: C8 52 0011F84D: 27 50 0011F84E: 03 7A 0011F84F: 00 C3 00126C92: 56 B8 00126C93: 68 9E 00126C94: 68 28 00126C95: A3 83 00126C96: 02 45 00126C97: 00 C3 00182B8A: 56 B8 00182B8B: 68 82 00182B8C: 64 26 00182B8D: 68 98 00182B8E: 07 30 00182B8F: 00 C3 Please let me know if it helped. No, I am not an Autodesk undercover agent trying to get you to jail (though they should ;-) ). Yes, I do live in the Wild East and I haven't ever seen any legally purchased software here. Even at the parliament :-) Regards, Aldas ( =================================================================================== How to crack 4-D Boxing with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in 4DBMCGA.EXE: 32 B8 05 46 convert to: 32 B8 05 0A EE 03 E1 05 FD 07 01 08 11 0A 20 0C 31 0E 00 1C 50 00 convert to: D1 03 E0 05 F4 07 00 08 10 0A 27 0C 30 2F 00 1C 50 00 When you get a picture of boxer face, hit enter 2 times. =========================================================================== How to crack 4OS/2 v2.51 build 43 (32 bits) wit a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string in 4os2.exe (219.040 bytes) At the offset adress 257C0: 8B 5D E8 83 FB 06 77 25 convert to: BB 00 00 00 00 90 90 90 4OS/2 is now cracked, it eliminates annoying beep and nags... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack Accolade Software (generally) with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Works by: 4th& Inches, Test Drive, Fast Break, and other Accolade Software. Find the following string: 55 56 57 06 1E convert to: 31 C0 C3 06 1E =========================================================================== How to crack Adept BBS v1.07 for OS/2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a file called: adeptbbs.reg Place the following information in it. Name: (20 spc) Creeping Death Rego No. (17 spc) 3599887846 Rego Serial No. (10) 806949176 The spaces between the fields and actual data is very important. Make sure you have 20 spaces for the name field, 17 spaces for Rego No. field, and 10 spaces for the Rego Serial No. field. ========================================================================== How to crack ANSIPLUS v3.02 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in the ANSIPLUS.SYS driver: Search for: 56 33 DB 3E 39 82 _first_ convert to: 56 33 DB 3E 8B 82 Search for: 6C 00 81 C3 A4 00 _second_ convert to: 6C 00 81 C3 00 00 Search for: F4 63 97 65 E2 65 39 66 97 65 _third_ convert to: F4 63 97 65 E7 66 E7 66 E7 66 Done by: Johnny Crack =========================================================================== To ARJ v2.30 Secure you must do this : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change the folowing bytes in arj.exe BYTE location...... change 3530 from 75/05 to EB/0D change 4568 from 75/06 to EB/0C change 6555 from 75/06 to EB/0C and the ARJ-Secure will work! Take an ARJ'd file all ready made. Type : ARJ z FILE.ARJ AV(caps) (the name to put on it) NOTE, the name you put in on the command line ARJ z FILE.ARJ AV name< may not contain SPACES > If you want to have a Space, instead of hitting hold down the ALT Key and press 255 on the NUMBER pad ONLY !. That will add a space !. Those Byte locations are in DECIMAL !. It only works in Arj v2.30 =========================================================================== How to move the nagging end-screen from AuRoRa v2.00d with a Hex-Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File A.EXE must first unpacked from LINK/EXEPACK v5.31.009 compression File: A.EXE Change bytes: OFFSET FROM TO [28D02h] 83h E9h [28D03h] F9h CCh [28D04h] 40h 00h Addendum: If A.EXE has not been unpacked from EXEPACK compression, the same patch applies but the file offset begins at 25FC2, not 28D02. Done by: Softbeard =========================================================================== How to register BackAlley with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : BACKALLY.EXE Search for : A0 40 04 Replace with : B0 01 90 Done by: Krynos =========================================================================== How to crack BAChurch with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : BACHURCH.EXE Search for : A0 30 04 Replace with : B0 01 90 Have fun, Done by: Krynos ========================================================================== How to crack BlueWave Mail v2.10 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : BWAVE.exe Search for : 06 A2 00 00 5E 8B Replaces with : 06 A2 01 01 5E 8B =========================================================================== How to crack BlueWave Mail/386 v2.20 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : BWAVE386.exe (581533 bytes) Search for : 83 3D C8 DD 00 00 00 74 48 Replaces with : C7 05 C8 DD 00 00 01 00 90 =========================================================================== How to crack BlueWave Mail/DoS v2.20 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : BWAVE.exe (494160 bytes) Search for : 83 3E 0F C6 00 74 3A Replaces with : C6 06 0F C6 01 74 3A =========================================================================== How to crack BlueWave Mail/ OS/2 v2.20 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : Bwave2.exe ( =========================================================================== How to crack Canasta v3.0 for Windows with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search in the file Canasta.exe (490916) at offset address: 3E88A 74 convert to 90 3E88B 0B convert to 90 409C7 75 convert to EB Canasta will now be registered. Any name and key is allright... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL =========================================================================== How 2 "CRACK" Buttons 4 Dos 6.0 !!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's Really easy 2 Make the unregistered Version 2 a REALLY FULL Version ! U have tried 2 Register the SharewareVersion, By the Normal Way (Mouse- pointer on the Header with the TxT "Register" ???? 'nd U Haven't any KeyName or Pasword ...... ???????????? So Here is A Really Simple Way 2 Register this Nice Tool ............ 1. Step : Just Load Your Editor (Like MS-Edit) !!!! 2. Step : Have a Look 2 the File Named "Buttons.ini" !!! :-)) 3. Step : There U can C Diz Line (Just a Little Cut !!!) ".. Register Y " (-> 1......................................41 <- ONLy a HeLP 4 U) Now U Clear Simple the txT "REGISTER" And Put YOUR Handle/Name into the Free Space (Don't Use more than 29 Letters 4 Ur Name, U Must Use the same Spaces as U have begun the ini-Edit) ! (Original File-Lengh : 103 Bytes) An eXAMPLe : ".. Registered Version Y " 1......................................41 5. Step : Now Replace the Old Buttons.ini file with the "NEW" Edited File and run the Program ....... Now U See that ALL (!!) Functions will Run and U Can USe all Pages of Programs ...... Done by: Dark-Raver (ALSo KNoWn aS OUTLiNE) in 1995 !!!!!!!!! =========================================================================== How to crack Carribean Contraband v2.0 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uncompress the file CARIB24.EXE first with a uncompressor like UNP. Search for : 75 64 8D Change to : 90 90 8D If the file is in the 60K range, it has been compressed. The uncompressed file should be around 70K. ========================================================================== How to crack Carribean Contraband v2.3 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uncompress the file CARIB23.EXE first with a uncompressor like UNP. Search for : 75 69 83 Change to : EB 06 83 If the file is in the 60K range, it has been compressed. The uncompressed file should be around 70K. ========================================================================== How to crack Carribean Contraband v2.4 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uncompress the file CARIB24.EXE first with a uncompressor like UNP. Search for : 75 5C 83 Change to : EB 06 83 If the file is in the 60K range, it has been compressed. The uncompressed file should be around 70K. =========================================================================== How to crack Castle of the Lord (LORD add on) with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : Config.exe Search for : C6 05 5C 01 00 Change to : C6 05 5C 01 01 This byte patern appears twice, change them both time... File : Castle.exe Search for : C6 05 47 15 00 Change to : C6 05 47 15 01 Enables registration features and removes NAG-screens =========================================================================== How to crack CD-Maker Pro v1.2 for Windows(95) with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: CDMAKER.exe BD14B 74 --> EB BD14C 03 --> 3B File: CDCOPY.exe 0B01F 04 --> 00 1965F 75 --> EB CD-Maker is all yours now... Crack done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: Leatherman of Rebels) =========================================================================== CD MASTER 3.1 (AND FUTURE VERSIONS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAKE A FILE CALLED CDPLAYER.REG. AND PUT WITH HEX EDITOR THESE COMMANDS IN CDPLAYER.REG. 4F 4B 57 41 52 45 0D 0A 35 34 43 03 0D 0A IT IS REGISTERED TO OKWARE THEN COPY IT IN THE DIRECTORY WHERE CD MASTER IS INSTALLED. =========================================================================== How to register any CELERITY version by a Hex-Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find this HEX string in the CELERITY.EXE File 10 46 8A 90 B4 A4 0E 56 AA 96 B0 C6 9C A2 B4 AA C6 00 00 This is currently registered to Abdul Clamwacker Example: 10 46 8A 90 B4 A4 0E 56 AA 96 B0 C6 9C A2 B4 AA C6 00 00 A b d u l C l a m w a c k e r To use this, all you have to do is match up the letter of your name (handle) with the chart I included. After your done, then replace the HEX string 46 8A 90 B4 A4 0E 56 AA 96 B0 C6 9C A2 B4 AA C6 00 00. Example: 10 48 9E 8B 90 A3 96 B4 94 A2 B4 B5 1A 1C 1E 20 22 00 00 B l a c k d r a g o n For some reason the name has to be 16 characters or it reports it as a bad Sysop name, so just put SPACES in for the rest of it. I haven't tried a name more than 16 characters, so I'm not too sure if it works or not (though it should). The way they encrypt the Sysop name is pretty easy to break. All you have to do is find a pattern that goes with it and the rest of it it easy. Now you can register all your copies of Celerity from 2.02 and below, you should be able to register all future ones unless they decide to change the method of registration (if they do, I'll put out another file! :> ). If you find any problems with this please write me, you should be able to fine me! HAVE FUN! Done by: Blackdragon =========================================================================== How to crack Com v4.1 for Windows(95) with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COM.exe 00037E42 74 --> 75 Com is now cracked. Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Eck) =========================================================================== How to crack Cool Edit ®v1.51: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the registration screen enter your name (or any name you want to register) then put as serial number _ ANSWERME _. Cool Edit will then tell you what number it was looking for. =========================================================================== -[ Registerpatch for Cooledit for Windows 95............................. ]- Yeah, Cooledit for Windows 95 rulez, buy an original key! 2 bytes patch, program is crc protected (sucks!) hehe... changed da crc checksum in the exe header and kicked one byte.... copy the cool.ini into your windows directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS) and edit [Registration] Garbleflux=5397 User=The Free Debugger / Dementia Number=DEMENTIA Signing off, The Free Debugger / Dementia =========================================================================== How to crack Combined Rlogin and TelNet(CRT) v1.0 for Windows: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRT.exe OOOCF8 75 --> EB CRT is now cracked Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: LEATHERMAN ) =========================================================================== How to crack Dbase v4.11 with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : INSTALL.EXE Search for : 74 1A FF 46 FE Convert to : EB 1A FF 46 FE =========================================================================== How to crack DMPlayer v1.41 for OS/2 with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search in the file DMPlayer.exe at offset address: 127C1 83 convert to 90 127C2 C4 90 127C3 34 90 127C4 5E 90 127C5 5F 90 127C6 5B 90 127F5 B9 convert to 90 127F6 01 90 15557 68 convert to EB Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally crack by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack Dragon's Claw Tavern with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Files : DCLORD.EXE and DCCFG.EXE Search for : C4 5E F8 26 3B 07 74 04 Replace with : C4 5E F8 26 3B 07 EB 04 Done by: Krynos =========================================================================== Drum Blaster ~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : DBLAST.EXE Search for : 55 8B EC 83 EC 08 0E Change to : CB 8B EC 83 EC 08 0E TIME DELAY IS NOW REMOVED =========================================================================== DUNE II ~~~~~~~ File : DUNE2.EXE Search for : 74 2E FF 76 FA Change to : EB 2E FF 76 FA DUNE2.EXE IS NOW CRACKED =========================================================================== How to register FastFileFinder ®v5.1 with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search in to the offset adress $5FF. When you find here 75 0B replace it with EB 0B So now you're version is fully registered and ready to use Done by: Psychotron [MCC 1995] =========================================================================== How to crack FileBar v2.05 for OS/2 with a Hex_editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: FILEBAR.EXE Offsetaddressed: 0AE77 75 74 0C23B 74 75 0D567 74 75 0D5B2 74 75 12529 75 74 1268E 75 74 1306F 74 75 FileBar v2.05 is now fully cracked... Make a file user.reg with three lines. Line 1 your name; line 2 you're group\address and line 3 you serial number.:) Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to register Floppy-Copy v2.20 for OS/2 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string in FLCOPY.exe: 83 3D 18 2C 03 00 00 0F 85 convert to: C6 05 18 2C 03 00 01 90 E9 So FLCopy has no crazy nags anymore... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally crack by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack Galleria v2.2 for OS/2 with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following offset addresses in BITWARE1.DLL 3C2E 75 convert to EB 3D1E 74 convert to EB 3DF0 74 convert to EB Galleria is now regged to: ABABABABABABABABABABABABA (etc.) Find this string and changed it with you're name :) Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally crack by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack GammaTech Irc Client for OS/2 with a Hex. Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find in GTIRC.EXE the following string: 000058D2: 75 change in EB 00005917: 75 change in EB 00005957: 72 change in EB Done by: UnDemon ========================================================================== How to crack GifLite v2.0 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : Giflite.exe Search for : C6 06 F3 00 01 C4 Replaces with : C6 06 F3 00 00 C4 =========================================================================== GRAPHIC WORKSHOP 6.1u for DoS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : GWSINSTL.EXE Search for : 83 C4 04 3B 06 D0 18 74 IF Change to : 83 C4 04 90 A1 D0 18 75 IF File : GWS.EXE Search for : 83 C4 04 3B 06 58 03 75 2C Change to : 83 C4 04 90 A1 58 03 74 2C =========================================================================== How to crack GWTerm v2.5 with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in GWTERM.EXE: 08 00 74 03 E9 convert to: 08 00 90 90 E9 =========================================================================== How to crack Haunted House v1.0 with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search for the following string: 55 8B EC 83 EC 08 0E replaces with CD 8B EC 83 EC 08 0E =========================================================================== How to register Install-IT v2.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The easy way to Register Install-It v2.00 give "iitempl.ate" a new FileDate or FileTime and now you have a registered copy of InstallIt v2.00 Done by: TwinHead =========================================================================== How to crack Instant File Access v4.00á4 for Windows with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IFALIB.DLL 001041F 75 --> EB IFA is now fully cracked. Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: LEATHERMAN) =========================================================================== Interactive DisAssembler 3.04 for OS/2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allow generate ASM & LST files IDA.EXE 00072C80: 80 66 00072C81: 3F C7 00072C82: 02 07 00072C83: 75 02 00072C84: 08 00 00072C85: C7 00 00072C86: 06 BB 00072C87: 02 C6 00072C88: 90 06 00072C89: 01 02 00072C8A: 00 90 00072C8B: EB 01 00072C8C: 09 EB 00072C8D: C4 08 Done by: SkullC0DEr =========================================================================== How to crack Itty-Bitty BlackBook v1.27 for OS/2 with a Hex-editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : IBBOOK.EXE Offsetadress : 1E67E Change : 00 to 01 Itty-Bitty is now cracked.... Done by : The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack Jack v4.59 (landscape designer) with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : JACK1.EXE Search for : CD 3F 14 10 Convert to : E9 8D 01 90 =========================================================================== How to crack LORDTRX v1.10 with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string in LORDTRX.EXE: 0B C0 75 08 C7 06 Replace this string with: 31 C0 75 08 C7 06 and voila REGISTERED =========================================================================== How to crack Master oF Orion ®v1.30 with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : Starmap.exe at offset adress: 71BE5 Search for : 75 0D C7 06 Replaces with : 90 90 C7 06 This crack should work till v1.30 =========================================================================== How to crack Modem Init Strings - Database v3.1 with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You must unpack the file $base.exe with UNP. The commando " UNP t $base.exe " will do the trick: Then at the following addresses, change the bytes a bit :) 5189 00 convert to 01 519A 00 01 Now the shareware delays & unregistered message are gone. You can register it to you're own by making a $BASE.KEY, where you have four lines to fill in everything you want... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: The Phàrào of DMA) =========================================================================== NavCis Professional for Windows how to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want the timed version to act as the pro Navcis do this Ensure you install the timed edition, you will notice that it sets up a sub directory called data. In this open the file forums.dbf in a database... Go to section where it says KEYS the figures in this box tell the prog how many days to 30 day time out alter this to BECABEHG and you will have the fully working version with no time out It actually says 1570 days to go but this never alters.. =========================================================================== NEOPAINT 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : NEOPAINT.EXE Search for : 80 3E 06 07 00 Change to : C6 06 3E 06 01 NEOPAINT IS NOW CRACKED =========================================================================== How to crack NetToob v2.03 for Windows with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : DXSAVER.EXE Offsetadresses : 00BA8C CA --> 55 00BA8D 0A --> 8B 00BA8E 00 --> EC NetToob v2.03 is now fully regged.... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: Leatherman) =========================================================================== How to crack NPCLORD v2.8 with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change the following string in NPCMAINT.exe Offset: 0001253B: 01 Change the following string in NPCEDIT.exe Offset: 0000EE84: 40 0000EE85: 90 NPCLORD v2.8 is now registered! ========================================================================== Howÿtoÿcrackÿthe OS/2 WARP testÿCD-ROMÿwith it's own files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the timelimited 45 day's version of IBM's OS/2 WARP ÿ You can patch the installed version with some files that are on the install CD-ROM. Just follow the upcoming commands to patch your test- version to the real OS/2 WARP without 45 day's limit: - Boot up MS-DOS (not ÿDOS-task! real dos) - Change to the CD-ROM drive and go into /DISKIMGS - Put a formatted HD disk into drive A: and enter: MAKEDSKF DISK1_CD.DSK A: - Delete the following files from C:\OS2\DLLÿ: DOSCALL1.DLL KBDCALLS.DLL VIOCALLS.DLL - Copy these files from the DISK A: to C:\OS2\DLLÿ: DOSCALL1.DLL KBDCALLS.DLL VIOCALLS.DLL And the OS/2 WARP 45 day's version is now the same as the offical OS/2 WARP CD-ROM version. (It only works with the first release of the 45 day's version) Done by: BeTaMaX =========================================================================== How to crack Paint Shop Pro v3.0 with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search in PSP.exe the following string: On offset adres: 6BA48 83 C4 02 0B C0 74 0D replaces with 88 26 86 00 90 EB 2D PSP v3.0 is now cracked.... =========================================================================== PC Express v1.18 keys: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we go again! .SaBOTaGE. strikes again! ...This time with a collection of PCE Keys... hacked out with the old 1.18 bug method... ask neurotic for it! OM6CXE?G4DGXV?GR761I?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:WestWorld SYSOPNAME:Alabama Jack 05J32H?GDEY:Y?KH062K?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:GML*STATE* SYSOPNAME:TZE HOUZKEEPER @453TVD?@0MFVEW?@0RBORJ?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:World of Fantasy SYSOPNAME:Stormbringer @SL3ETG?@4FG9XX?@4O0YFK?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:BENEDICTION SYSOPNAME:EXCALIBUR @GZ4LE1?@4Q72TI?@WIO84V?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:> Undercover BBS < SYSOPNAME:Perry Daddy @SC806F?@0R667V?@8GTGRI?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:PRIVATE HELL SYSOPNAME:Lucifuge @CUFX4T?@WT60:D?@OMSPT7?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:The Jungle SYSOPNAME:Bitkiller OJBRYH?0D4ZR1?@OWOIW2?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:Blasphemy SYSOPNAME:Lemmy 83TVIM?4SFCN6?GUHK0:?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:PoLyPHonY SYSOPNAME:Paintbrush G:XM72?0I6K2I?SUSTUV?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:The UnDeRwoRlD SYSOPNAME:Califboy O7TT0P?0HQB18?SR5H2D?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:.:COPPERHEAD:. SYSOPNAME:PSIONIC OB7YIB?4SWYVU?K54BQP?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:TEMPEL OF HELL SYSOPNAME:PHANTOM @SV47I:?@S3P2HR?@CSJ8GM?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:The Black Skyline SYSOPNAME:Whiteheat 2XLC @46TB86?@8P4VDM?@SBXIJR?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:TEMPEL TO HELL SYSOPNAME:PHANTOM O7TT0P?0HQB18?SR5H2D?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:.:COPPERHEAD:. SYSOPNAME:PSIONIC S6RN4N?C2ZWY5?CNNQN:?5K8FP5 BBSNAME:Dragon's Lair SYSOPNAME:Dragon well guys... i hope that's enuff for ya pce1.19 suckas! have phun, Toon/SaBOTaGE! =========================================================================== PMMail v1.1 for OS/2 registered with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PMMail.exe 001DD43 31 --> B0 001DD44 C0 --> 01 You have now a registered version of PMMail... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack PMView v0.92 for OS/2 with a Hex. editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string in PMView.exe at offsetaddress 343B0 starting: E8 6A C9 00 00 convert with: 90 90 90 90 90 3440E: 74 convert to: EB So PMView has no shareware reminder anymore, but is still not registered... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack Post Road Mailer v1.03a for OS/2 with a Hex.editor... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string in PostRoad.exe: E8 45 DD 00 00 convert with: 90 90 90 90 90 PostRoad Mailer is still a demo without nag screens and time limits.... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== How to crack PowerToy.exe (september 95) for Win95 with a Hex-Editor... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following string: E8 85 FF 81 FA CB 07 72-0D 77 05 3D 18 09 72 06 and replace with E8 85 FF 81 FA CB 07 72-0D 77 05 3D FF FF 72 06 QuickRes is not expired anymore... Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Assmann) =========================================================================== How to crack Proview v1.0 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in PROVIEW.EXE: 74 33 BF 94 05 convert to: EB 33 BF 94 05 =========================================================================== How to crack PSearch v5.2 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in PS.EXE: 3B C6 75 07 0B F6 74 convert to: 3B C6 EB 04 0B F6 74 Then run the program and enter any name, number and code into the registration information screen. Then find the following string in PS.EXE: 3D 4E 00 75 19 80 3E 0D convert to: 3D 4E 00 EB 0D 80 3E 0D =========================================================================== How to crack QEMM v7.53 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in INSTALL.EXE: Change bytes: OFFSET FROM TO [1D9Fh] 74h EBh Done by: GLOOMY =========================================================================== How to crack QPeg v1.7c with an editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ create a file QPEG.REG (in root dir) containing A6: *** AENDERE DIESE DATEI NICHT! Sonst wird die Registrierung ungueltig. CB: *** GIB DIESE DATEI NICHT WEITER! Das waere eine Verletzung internatio- 8D: *** naler Urheberrechtsgesetze. 18: *** Diese Datei muss sich in einem Verzeichnis befinden, das die Umgebungs- 65: *** variable PATH angibt; sie darf sich nicht im QPEG-Verzeichnis befinden. 2E: QPEG ist registriert fuer: 65: - You ! 2E: - by Troublemaker 03: - 08/15 Anywhere 25: c9af31bd21457183aac052265fd3ed45 =========================================================================== How to crack QuickMenu III by NeoSoft: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit the QM.BAT file as follows. There is a line like this: QM3_PROG %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 You just add /x at the end of the line as follows: QM3_PROG %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 /x QuickMenu should not give you the shareware reminder anymore... =========================================================================== How to crack RAR 1.54 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To crack RAR 1.54 try this The serial numbers floating around didn't work for me :-( ] Try this: I Used UNP 3.31 to decompress it first. then use your fave HEX-Editor to change the following ... Find: 83 C4 0A 0B C0 75 05 B8 01 00 EB 02 (Yu|3 @2O) Edit: -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- Find: A0 76 67 3A 06 6C 66 75 05 B8 01 00 (Yu|3 @2O) Edit: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- Find: F7 06 09 6E 01 00 74 78 (Yu|3 @2O) Edit: -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 Then recompress it (optional) and run it press F9 and register it !!! Done by: MAVRiK '95 =========================================================================== How to crack RAR v2.00 á3 for OS/2 and get the AV-sign: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ File : RAR.exe 208.581 bytes Offsetadress : 00D08E E8 --> 90 00D08D DA --> 90 00D090 F7 --> 90 00D091 FF --> 90 00D092 FF --> 90 00F4DC 74 --> EB 01E7D9 74 --> 90 01E7DA 77 --> 90 01FF14 29 --> 90 01FF15 D0 --> 90 02BDB3 29 --> 90 02BDB4 D9 --> 90 RAR/2 is now fully cracked and registered. There is no need to fill in a serialnumber :) Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: The NeXT/2 Generation) =========================================================================== How to crack Rem-ads v3.0 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : REM-ADS.EXE Search for : 21 F9 80 3E 9C 4A Convert to : 21 F9 C6 06 9C 4A =========================================================================== How to crack Ringboot v1.3 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : RINGBOOT.COM Search for : B4 09 CD 21 EB 05 90 Convert to : B4 09 EB 1A EB 05 90 =========================================================================== How To register Screen Blanker ®v5.5 for OS/2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make the screen blanker windows active, and hit Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R and its done! Done by: Creeping! =========================================================================== How to crack Scroll-it v1.3 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : SCROLLIT.EXE Search for : 3B E8 75 07 3B _1st_ Convert to : 3B E8 EB 11 3B Search for : A1 0A 26 CC 74 _2nd_ Convert to : A1 0A 26 CC EB =========================================================================== How to crack Silly Little Mail Reader with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search on offset 8BD6 to the following string: E8 88 D9 replaces with 90 90 90 =========================================================================== How to crack Smart Phone v1.4oa for Windows witha Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SP.exe 00012C3C 75 90 00012C3D 03 90 00012D2E 74 EB 00012E2E 74 90 00012E2F 74 90 Smart Phone is now cracked! Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Eck) =========================================================================== How to crack Stereo shell v4.0 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : STS.EXE Search for : E8 43 73 Convert to : 90 90 90 =========================================================================== How to crack Telix v3.15 with a Hex.Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : TELIX.EXE Search for : 0B C0 75 05 39 46 06 Convert to : 0B C0 EB 05 39 46 06 =========================================================================== How to crack Telix v3.20 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : TELIX.EXE Search for : 76 26 B8 50 00 1th Replaces with : EB 26 B8 50 00 Search for : 83 3E 6A 14 00 74 2nd Replaces with : 83 3E 6A 14 00 EB Search for : E8 71 FD 2B C0 50 3rd Replaces with : E8 71 FD E9 E3 01 =========================================================================== How to edit The Draw with a Hex-editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : TheDraw.exe Search for : 08 C0 74 C2 89 EC 5D CA Replaces with : 08 C0 75 C2 89 EC 5D CA =========================================================================== How to crack TimBukTu Pro v1.0 for Windows with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: TB2QUEST.EXE Offsettaddress Convert to 01694F 00 EB 016950 00 07 016952 02 00 01697E 00 CB 01697F 00 07 016981 01 00 01698D 00 CB 01698E 00 07 0169E5 06 00 0169EB 1E CB 0169EC 00 07 TimBukTu is now cracked! Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally by: LEATHERMAN) =========================================================================== How to crack TradeWars Assistant v2.0 with a Hex.editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : TWASSIST.EXE Search for : 74 06 33 C0 EB 06 EB 04 8B C6 EB F8 Replaces with : EB 06 33 C0 EB 06 EB 04 B8 77 00 90 and voila Trade Wars v2.0 is registered. =========================================================================== How to crack Universal Game Editor (UGE) with a Hex-Editor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : UGE.exe StartUp delay ------------- Search for : 75 03 E8 AB 69 B0 01 Replaces with : EB 03 E8 AB 69 B0 01 Closing delay ------------- Search for : 75 15 E8 B1 6D B0 00 Replaces with : EB 15 E8 B1 6D B0 00 Universal GameEditor is now cracked... =========================================================================== Visual Player v.2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File to patch: VP.EXE Number of bytes replaced: 4 Replacement bytes (in hex.) and offsets (VP.EXE): - 90 at offset 20256 (NOP - do nothing) - 90 at offset 20257 (NOP - do nothing) - 90 at offset 20258 (NOP - do nothing) - 00 at offset 20315 (Nothing) Use a HEX/DEBUG editor. NO MORE CHANGING FROM SOUNDCARD TO PC-SPEAKER AFTER FEW MINUTS. =========================================================================== VuePrint v.3.3 FOR WINDOWS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File(s) patched: VUEPRINT.EXE Number of bytes replaced: 67 Replacement bytes (in hex.) and offsets (VUEPRINT.EXE): - EB at offset 73602 (JMP past nag-procedure) - 00 at offset 513075 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513076 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513077 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513078 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513079 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513080 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513081 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513082 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513083 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513084 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513085 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513086 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513087 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513088 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513089 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513090 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513091 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513092 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513093 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513094 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513095 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513096 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513097 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513098 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513099 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513100 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513101 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513102 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513103 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513104 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513105 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513106 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513107 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513108 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513109 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513110 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513111 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513112 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513113 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513114 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513115 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513116 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513117 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513118 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513119 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513120 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513121 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513122 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513123 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513124 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513125 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513126 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513127 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513128 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513129 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513130 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513131 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513132 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513133 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513134 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513135 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513136 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513137 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513138 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513139 (Nothing) - 00 at offset 513140 (Nothing) USE A HEX EDITOR TO PATCH THIS PROGRAM. =========================================================================== How to crack WebEdit v1.4b for Win95 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Your Windows\System-Dir. Look For A File Named Sysdvrxl.drv And Rename It To Whatever You Like. It's Just That Simple!!! ---===---===---===---===---===--- Cave Man ---===---===---===---===---===--- =========================================================================== How to crack WSSI cataloguer v5.23 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : WSSI523.EXE Search for : 75 0A 3B 46 F8 75 Convert to : EB 05 3B 46 F8 75 =========================================================================== WWPACK ®v3.04 enhanced ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAKE A FILE CALLED WWPACK.REG. AND PUT WITH HEX EDITOR THESE COMMANDS IN WWPACK.REG. 00 08 DC 15 0A F5 1E 02 00 A2 92 25 27 39 31 20 31 8C BC 81 61 02 00 IT IS REGISTERED TO -úOKWAREúÄ THEN COPY IT IN THE DIRECTORY WHERE WWPACK IS INSTALLED. NOW YOU CAN USE THE ENHANCED FEATURES!! =============================================================================== How to crack ZIP Converter v2.0 with a Hex. editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the following strings in ZIPCVT.EXE: 57 E8 40 F0 9A convert to: 57 90 90 90 9A =========================================================================== How to crack ZTree Bold ®v1.54 for OS/2 with a Hex-Editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make a file: ZTBold.key with a Hex-editor. Put here in the following string: DC 08 00 00 54 68 65 20 47 75 61 52 44 69 61 4E 20 61 4E 47 65 4C 00 ZTBold is now registered to: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL Done by: The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (Originally cracked by: Dark Wing) =========================================================================== P.S: When you have a crack or a serial number, give me a call. This list and the seripass.exe is already the biggest and the accurates in the world, so let it grow and grow... The GuaRDiaN aNGeL (c) 1996 GooFy !LL!TaPe $oFtWaReZ (G.!.$)